What is Marlo Hampton's real name? Kenya Moore slams her for using a "fake name"

Bravo's RHOA returned for part two of its season 14 reunion on Sunday, September 18, 2022. Titled Reunion: Part 2, the episode featured Kenya Moore and Marlo Hampton getting into an intense argument that resulted in surprising truths being revealed.

Bravo's RHOA returned for part two of its season 14 reunion on Sunday, September 18, 2022. Titled Reunion: Part 2, the episode featured Kenya Moore and Marlo Hampton getting into an intense argument that resulted in surprising truths being revealed.

It all started when Andy Cohen questioned Marlo about her friendship with Kenya. In response, Marlo said that Kenya has always been dismissive of her and has never forgiven her. The RHOA star added that the only time Kenya had forgiven her was when she didn't want her to be Porsha's friend.

This didn't sit well with Kenya, who went on to claim that Marlo didn't want to be Porsha's friend either, and said that Marlo threw Porsha under the bus.

One thing led to another, and Kenya ended up slamming Marlo, claiming that she was a liar for using her fake name. She even revealed that Marlo's real name was Latoya Hutchinson.

RHOA reunion: Marlo denies Kenya's big reveal about her name

Tonight on RHOA, Marlo shared that Kenya had told her that she had issues with Marlo and Porsha being friends. Kenya, however, denied the accusations. Andy then went on to ask Marlo if she thought Kenya would ever be her friend, although she had disrespected her many times before.

In response, Marlo sarcastically said:

"I don't know what I'm gonna do without Kenya. I don't know what I'm going to do without her. She calls and checks me, and William and Michael. She's an amazing friend and role model in my life. She's always there for me. She's always there to uplift me."

Kenya was infuriated and said that there was a "sociopath" inside Marlo. The RHOA star added that Marlo thought her behavior was funny and cute, and that she wanted to talk about it all the time.

Kenya then added that Marlo was pretending to be a different person than she is and called out the RHOA star in a manner that shocked everyone, including Andy himself. Kenya said:

"Everything about you is fake, Marlo. Your name is not even your real name, Latoya Hutchinson."

Andy and the cast members were all shocked by Kenya's revelation and asked Marlo if Latoya was her real name. Marlo denied it. Kenya said:

"You changed. That's not her real name. You lied about everything on this show."

At this, Marlo erupted in laughter and questioned Kenya if she had seen her arrest records from 20 years ago. Kenya continued to slam Marlo, claiming that she was broke. It became so intense that Andy eventually had to break up the argument and proceed to the next question.

Fans in splits after Kenya reveals that Marlo's real name was Latoya Hutchinson

Kenya's big reveal about Marlo left fans laughing. Viewers flooded Twitter with a barrage of memes and funny posts.

Some even went online to double check if Kenya was telling the truth, and learned that she was indeed being honest about Marlo's real name.

RHOA will return to Bravo for the final part of the reunion, scheduled to air on September 25. Readers can check their local listings for more information.

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