What does it mean when your discharge smells like garbage?

6 ways to get rid of vaginal odor [embedded content] It's very common for vaginas to produce a tangy or sour aroma. Some compare it to the smell of fermented foods. In fact, yogurt, sourdough bread, and even some sour beer contain the same type of good bacteria that dominate most healthy vaginas: Lactobacilli.

Sometimes the vagina can get a funky smell reminiscent of fish, garbage, bread, or bleach. This is often because the normal vaginal balance has gotten out of whack: there's something in there that usually isn't.

Does BV smell like garbage?

We talked about BV earlier, and while it causes a fishy vagina smell in some women, others may interpret it as a bleach or chemical smell. But that's not the only thing that could be causing a bleach or ammonia smell: What you're smelling could actually be urine.

How do I get rid of my discharge smell?

6 ways to get rid of vaginal odor

  • Types of vaginal odor.
  • Adopt good hygiene measures.
  • Use internal menstruation products.
  • Care for the vagina after sex.
  • Consume probiotics.
  • Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothing.
  • Cut sugar and boost hydration.
  • Why does it smell when I open my legs?

    Sweating in the groin area can attract fungus and bacteria that can lead to a bad smell. Showering after exercise or athletic activity can help reduce the bad-smelling effects of smells related to sweating. Putting on clean, dry clothes after a sweat session can also help.

    Can others smell my discharge?

    Can other people smell it too?" Dr. Kate, a gynecologist, answers: "No, all vaginas don't smell, or taste, the same...but they do all smell. Every woman has a different musky scent, and we tend to be very attuned to our own smell, even when no one else is aware of it.


    Can BV go away on its own?

    Bacterial vaginosis is an infection of the vagina that may cause a fishy-smelling discharge. It's usually a mild problem that may go away on its own in a few days. But it can lead to more serious problems. So it's a good idea to see your doctor and get treatment.

    What is the normal smell of Virgina?

    Tangy or fermented

    It's very common for vaginas to produce a tangy or sour aroma. Some compare it to the smell of fermented foods. In fact, yogurt, sourdough bread, and even some sour beer contain the same type of good bacteria that dominate most healthy vaginas: Lactobacilli.

    Does chlamydia have a smell?

    Does chlamydia have a smell? Chlamydia doesn't always have a smell. But one of the symptoms of chlamydia is an unusual vaginal discharge that has an unpleasant odor.

    How do I get my pH balance back to normal?

    How to restore your vaginal pH naturally

  • Consider using boric acid suppositories. ...
  • Incorporate more probiotics into your diet. ...
  • Consider taking garlic tablets. ...
  • Find ways to destress. ...
  • Cut back or quit smoking. ...
  • Be mindful of how you clean your vulva and vagina. ...
  • Pay attention to your underwear. ...
  • Use barrier methods during sex.
  • How did I get bacterial vaginosis?

    BV is a result of an imbalance of “good” and “harmful” bacteria in a vagina. Douching, not using condoms, and having new or multiple sex partners can upset the normal balance of vaginal bacteria, increasing your risk for getting BV.

    Is BV an STD?

    Is bacterial vaginosis (BV) an STD? Bacterial vaginosis isn't sexually transmitted, but it is linked with sexual activity. Researchers think that sex may change the bacterial environment in your vagina. This makes bacterial overgrowth more likely.

    Does cranberry juice help with BV?

    There is some evidence suggesting that women taking vitamin supplementation show decreased rates of BV6. Probiotics have also been found to provide relief when used in combination with systemic antibiotic therapy15. Anecdotal evidence suggests that cranberry juice may help remedy symptoms.

    What fruits can make your VAG taste better?

    Foods that usually cause distaste in that area would be things like asparagus, but tcome can enhance it, like pineapples. Eating fresh pineapples or drinking cranberry juice will work should be incorporated into your every day practices if you are concerned or worried about your natural bodily taste or smell.

    What does BV look like inside?

    Thin, gray, white or green vaginal discharge. Foul-smelling "fishy" vaginal odor. Vaginal itching. Burning during urination.

    What happens if BV goes untreated?

    Most often, BV does not cause other health problems. However, if left untreated, BV may increase your risk for: Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HIV. Pelvic inflammatory disease where BV bacteria infect the uterus or fallopian tubes.

    Can a man give a woman BV?

    BV is an infection that occurs in the vagina. But males can carry the bacteria that cause BV. The bacteria can accumulate on the penis or in the urethra of males. This means that people carrying the bacteria can transmit it to females by having sex with them.

    Why do I get BV every time I sleep with my boyfriend?

    Although sex with a new partner may increase your risk for BV due to a change in the balance of vaginal bacteria, it isn't the cause. However, it's worth noting that BV can make you more likely to contract an STI, as it reduces your vagina's acidity levels and lowers natural defenses.

    Can BV turn into chlamydia?

    For every one additional episode of BV, the risk of acquiring chlamydia and gonorrhea infections increased by 13% and 26%, respectively. A monotonic dose−response relationship was also noted between antecedent BV and subsequent chlamydia and gonorrhea infection.

    What to drink to make you smell better?

    "Water is not only good for us because it keeps us healthy, but it also keeps us smelling better," says Kaufman, adding that drinking water helps to flush out our bodies eliminating some of the things that cause us to smell. (It's no wonder these detox waters are so effective!)

    What throws off a girl pH balance?

    Anything that changes your vagina's ph balance can throw off bacteria levels and lead to infection. Actions such as douching, using scented products and deodorants around the vagina, wearing tight non-breathable clothing, or using irritating products can all contribute to ph imbalance.

    Does cranberry juice help pH balance?

    Compounds in cranberries could balance the vagina's pH level, and its acidic property helps fight bacteria that cause infections.

    How do I keep my vaginal pH healthy?

    To keep the pH of your vagina at a consistently healthy level, follow these tips:

  • Whenever you have sex, use a condom. The barrier will not only protect you from STDs, but it'll also prevent alkaline semen from disrupting your vaginal pH levels. ...
  • Take probiotics. ...
  • Don't douche. ...
  • Eat yogurt. ...
  • See your OB-GYN.
  • What does gonorrhea smell like?

    And the women said about 50 percent of men who had gonorrhea had sweat that smelled "putrid," whereas only 32 percent of the healthy men were described as putrid. And while 26 percent of the healthy men smelled "floral," just 10 percent of those with gonorrhea were described that way.

    What STD has an odor?

    STDs that can cause an unusual smell include: Chlamydia. Gonorrhea. Trichomoniasis, a common STD caused by a protozoan parasite.

    What female gonorrhea looks like?

    In women, symptoms of gonorrhoea can include: an unusual vaginal discharge, which may be thin or watery and green or yellow in colour. pain or a burning sensation when passing urine. pain or tenderness in the lower abdominal area – this is less common.

