The list of, let's call them "indecencies" that Nero boasts is rather long, and for lack of a better word, they are also a bit creative. In the most disgusting way possible, of course. The thing with Nero is that he kind of spiraled. If things were ever normal, it didn't take long for them to get distinctly abnormal. At the time of this particular — almost cannibalistic — indecency, Nero had already committed his fair share of atrocities, including but not limited to murdering numerous family members and proving that he had the political acumen of a toad.
But when his sexual proclivities had begun to expand, he had a new, and rather specific, habit. According to Roman historian Cassius Dio, Nero would dress himself up in the hide of an animal, be it a boar or a bear or any manner of wild beast. Which isn't weird in and of itself, but it didn't stop there. He would then begin acting like a beast himself, and that's where things start getting pretty insufferable.
There would be young boys and girls fastened to stakes, scattered about his hunting grounds, and the beast that Nero became would come to them and, as Dio puts it, "satisfy his brutal lust." That included "devouring" pieces of them. Which sounds a lot like cannibalism in the simplest term, but it's safe to say that it's probably a bit more than that.