Pokemon GO Adventure Week 2023 Collection Challenge: Tasks and rewards

With the latest iteration of Pokemon GO Adventure Week coming online worldwide, several in-game items and mechanics await players for the next few days. The offerings include paid and free Timed Research questlines, event-themed Field Research tasks, and a Collection Challenge. Most of these revolve around rewarding trainers with Tyrunt and Amaura encounters.

With the latest iteration of Pokemon GO Adventure Week coming online worldwide, several in-game items and mechanics await players for the next few days. The offerings include paid and free Timed Research questlines, event-themed Field Research tasks, and a Collection Challenge. Most of these revolve around rewarding trainers with Tyrunt and Amaura encounters.

Beginning Thursday, July 27, 2023, at 10 am local time, Adventure Week 2023 will run until Wednesday, August 2, 2023, at 8 pm local time. During this period, players can encounter Mega Tyranitar and Regidrago in their respective Raid tiers.

How to complete Adventure Week 2023 Collection Challenge in Pokemon GO: Tasks and rewards

Fossil Pokemon (Image via The Pokemon Company)

There are four different Collection Challenges included in Adventure Week 2023 in Pokemon GO involving various Fossil Pokemon. The available tasks and rewards for the same are as follows:

Pokemon GO Adventure Week Collection Challenge: Dome and Helix

  • Catch a Kabuto
  • Catch a Kabutops (Evolve Kabuto into Kabutops)
  • Catch an Omanyte
  • Catch an Omastar (Evolve Omanyte into Omastar
  • Rewards: 1000x Stardust, Tyrunt encounter

Pokemon GO Adventure Week Collection Challenge: Root and Claw

  • Catch an Anorith
  • Catch an Armaldo (Evolve Anorith into Armaldo)
  • Catch a Lileep
  • Catch a Cradily (Evolve Lileep into Cradily)
  • Rewards: 1000x Stardust, Amaura encounter

Pokemon GO Adventure Week Collection Challenge: Skull and Armor

  • Catch a Shieldon
  • Catch a Bastiodon (Evolve Shieldon into Bastiodon)
  • Catch a Cranidos
  • Catch a Rampardos (Evolve Cranidos into Rampardos)
  • Rewards: 2000x Stardust, Tyrunt encounter

Pokemon GO Adventure Week Collection Challenge: Cover and Plume

  • Catch an Archen
  • Catch an Archeops (Evolve Archen into Archeops)
  • Catch a Tirtouga
  • Catch a Carracosta (Evolve Tirtouga into Carracosta)
  • Rewards: 2000x Stardust, Amaura encounter
Tyrunt in Pokemon Anime (Image via The Pokemon Company)

The evolution requirements for the aforementioned pocket monsters are as follows:

  • Evolving Kabuto into Kabutops needs 50 Kabuto candies
  • Evolving Omanyte into Omastar needs 50 Omanyte candies
  • Evolving Anorith into Armaldo needs 50 Anorith candies
  • Evolving Lileep into Cradily needs 50 Lileep candies
  • Evolving Shieldon into Bastiodon needs 50 Shieldon candies
  • Evolving Cranidos into Rampardos needs 50 Cranidos candies
  • Evolving Archen into Archeops needs 50 Archen candies
  • Evolving Tirtouga into Carracosta needs 50 Tirtouga candies

During the Adventure Week 2023 event, the pocket monsters for the Collection Challenge can be found in the following ways:

  • Omanyte - Wild encounter
  • Kabuto - Wild encounter
  • Lileep - Wild encounter,
  • Anorith - Wild encounter
  • Cranidos - Wild encounter
  • Shieldon - Wild encounter
  • Tirtouga - Wild encounter, 7 km egg hatch
  • Archen - Wild encounter, 7 km egg hatch
  • Armaldo - Field Research task encounter
  • Omastar - Field Research task encounter
  • Kabutops - Field Research task encounter
  • Cradily - Field Research task encounter

The Adventure Week 2023 free Timed Research questline features a branching option for trainers to choose whether they want exploration-based or research-based tasks. The rewards involve encounters with Tyrunt and Amaura.

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