How long will 12 Invisalign trays take?

[embedded content] Although all aligners are made and delivered to the dentst at once, it is best to have the dentist monitor the fit and movement of the teeth during the treatment time. It is common to order refinement aligners to enhance the final appearance of your smile.

12 to 36 months is the general time. Some will see results quicker. It depends on the level of issues that need correcting. How long will 14 Invisalign trays take?

How long will 10 Invisalign trays take?

This treatment offers between 5 and 10 aligner trays, which would add up to lasting around 3 to 6 months. It doesn't last as long because there are less issues to correct. If you only have a few cosmetic problems or minor spacing concerns, this would be the quickest and easiest option for you.

How long does 15 trays of Invisalign take?

Sometimes a patient may only need 15 trays, which would just be approximately six months of therapy. This is great news for patients because they can align their teeth rather quickly with a product that is transparent.

How long does 14 Invisalign aligners take?

With Invisalign Lite, you generally use only 14 trays and you can expect the treatment to be complete in 6 to 12 months. This is significantly shorter than the conventional Invisalign treatment, which usually lasts between 12 and 24 months.

How long does each Invisalign tray take?

You need to wear Invisalign trays for most of your day (20–22 hours/day) in order to see results. However, they're easily removed for eating, brushing, flossing, or for special occasions.

Easy Trick To Make Your Invisalign Work Faster!

What is the shortest time for Invisalign?

The simple answer is: “It depends.” For simple cases, treatment time with Invisalign aligners can be as short as six months. Typically, Invisalign will take 12 months to 18 months to straighten your teeth. For more complex cases such as crowded teeth, the treatment time could be 24 months or slightly longer.

What is the average number of Invisalign trays?

Typically, a patient's Invisalign treatment lasts about a year. As such, most patients go through about 20 to 30 Invisalign trays. On the extreme end, a patient that needs greater dental adjustment may go through about 50 trays over the course of treatment.

How long will 20 trays of Invisalign take?

Invisalign treatment typically takes about 12 to 18 months to complete. During this time, you need to wear your aligners for at least 20 to 22 hours a day, regularly clean them, and switch your trays on time. But even with all of this work, you might still need refinements.

How long does 40 trays of Invisalign take?

In general, you can expect Invisalign treatment to take anywhere between six months for minor fixes to even two years for more significant issues. You can also anticipate between 25 and 40 different trays. Again, these numbers are depending on your specific situation and needs.

Can Invisalign work in 4 months?

But in general, you can expect the treatment to take around 1 to 1.5 years. For many people, you'll start seeing a noticeable difference in just 2 to 3 months of wearing these aligners. If you're wondering about what can make your Invisalign treatment time shorter or longer, then read on.

Does the First Invisalign tray move teeth?

Since the aligners are designed to begin actively moving your teeth, you'll likely feel some discomfort for the first few days. However, most people find that the soreness wears off after the first week.

Do I get all my Invisalign trays at once?

Answer: Invisalign aligners can all be delivered at once.

Although all aligners are made and delivered to the dentst at once, it is best to have the dentist monitor the fit and movement of the teeth during the treatment time. It is common to order refinement aligners to enhance the final appearance of your smile.

Can you finish Invisalign early?

To help people enjoy faster results, Align Technology, the makers of Invisalign, have announced that many people may be able to cut their treatment time in half, simply by wearing their aligners for half the time, at the discretion of their dentist.

How long does 5 trays of Invisalign take?

Invisalign Express Treatment Time

With Invisalign Express, patients only require up to 5 trays. On average, it only takes 3-6 months of treatment time, vs Invisalign which can take 6 months to 2 years to complete.

Can you kiss with Invisalign in?

Though it can seem like a touchy topic, there's no need to worry about kissing while you're using Invisalign. The aligners are barely noticeable in your mouth, so there's a good chance your partner won't notice a thing.

Can I finish Invisalign in 6 months?

In some cases, yes, Invisalign® treatment can be completed in 6 months. However, the average duration for Invisalign treatment is 12 to 18 months. If you only need minor corrections, then you may finish Invisalign in a shorter period.

How long will 31 Invisalign trays take?

Answer: Invisalign Treatment time is based on the number of aligners. Typical Invisalign treatment requires wearing each aligner for two weeks. So in your case, with 31 aligners, you are looking at 62 weeks or about fifteen months.

Does Invisalign include top bottom?

Yes, Invisalign is available for only the bottom teeth or the top teeth, but it most cases both arches should be treated. The reason being is that you must have a stable bite or occlusion at the end of your Invisalign alignment treatment.

How much do teeth move with each Invisalign tray?

With each aligner, the teeth are only moving a little bit. Usually, a tooth or group of teeth will move around 0.25 to 0.33 millimeters. This is around one one-hundredth of an inch. Although that might seem very small, the total movement is quite a bit.

Why arent my teeth straight after Invisalign?

It's normal for your teeth to slightly shift after having your Invisalign braces removed or once you stop wearing Invisalign. This is the result of everyday wear and tear on your teeth as you bite down, chew, swallow, and speak.

Can Invisalign work faster than expected?

Invisalign is generally easier and much faster in regard to getting outcomes (as compared to traditional braces), but patients have to be devoted to using their customized trays for at least 22 hours per day and the full 48 hours for the first two days after getting new ones for adjustments.

Can you refuse attachments for Invisalign?

Yes, you can decline attachments. Your Invisalign treatment will still work, it just may take longer and be slightly less effective. If you are interested in Invisalign treatment without attachments, ask your orthodontist if this will work for your specific condition and how long your treatment might take.

Is 20 hours enough for Invisalign?

The aligner trays are only effective during the time they are in physical contact with teeth. This is why Invisalign recommends that the trays are worn for at least 20 to 22 hours per day. The trays are designed with the assumption that patients will comply with this rule.

How many attachments do you get with Invisalign?

Most Invisalign patients need attachments to make their treatment work better and more effectively, but not every tooth needs an attachment. The typical Invisalign patient can wear up to 20 attachments.

What happens after last tray of Invisalign?

Your scan will be sent to Invisalign, and they will make them and ship them back to us. You'll wear your last clear aligner tray until your retainer arrives. The retainer will be made of a clear plastic that is stronger and more durable than your Invisalign trays. It should last for several months or even years.

