Danielle Jonas Says She Sometimes Feels "Less Than" Sisters-in-Law

Danielle Jonas is many things: a TV personality, a jewelry designer, a kids' author, a wife and a mom, but in terms of fame, she is most known for marrying husband Kevin Jonas. (Pause here to note that fame has nothing to do with a person's inherent worthiness; it's just a measure of how much

Danielle Jonas is many things: a TV personality, a jewelry designer, a kids' author, a wife and a mom, but in terms of fame, she is most known for marrying husband Kevin Jonas. (Pause here to note that fame has nothing to do with a person's inherent worthiness; it's just a measure of how much you appear in the tabloids, on the most basic level.)

Anyway, Kevin's brothers Nick and Joe Jonas each married famous actresses: Priyanka Chopra and Sophie Turner, respectively, and unfortunately this can sometimes leave Danielle feeling inadequate, as she recently admitted in an interview.

"I feel like I am torn. Finding like my place in it, because the two boys married somebody who, they're actresses, they're out there, everyone knows them. And I feel like I'm Danielle, you know, and it's hard," she said on the LadyGang podcast (via E! News).

She continued, speaking to Kevin, "It's also that like I'm out there celebrity-wise because I've married you. And that's where it's like, 'Oh, I wanna have something else to my name too.' So that it feels, I don't know… more than, or like, the other girls. 'Cause then when I'm with the other girls, I feel just less than sometimes. It's weird."

I'm really sad to hear that Danielle feels this way, and hopefully it's more of a passing feeling than an overwhelming one.

Still, even though Danielle may not be a huge celebrity, she's definitely got a thriving career of her own. She and Kevin co-write picture books for kids, and she also founded the jewelry brand Danielle Jonas Co. See: thriving!

'There's a Beach in My Bedroom' by Danielle and Kevin Jonas

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