Build Mass and a Bigger Engine with the Dumbbell Farmer's Walk

If your programme is missing loaded carries, you are leaving a wealth of performance boosting benefits on the table. The dumbbell farmer's walk exercise, also known as the farmer's carry, is a traditional strongman move, originally programmed to increase full body .css-16fs9zm{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.125rem;text-decoration-color:#d2232e;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;word-break:break-word;}.css-16fs9zm:hover{color:#000;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;background-color:#F3B032;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}strength and endurance. It's easy to

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If your programme is missing loaded carries, you are leaving a wealth of performance boosting benefits on the table. The dumbbell farmer's walk exercise, also known as the farmer's carry, is a traditional strongman move, originally programmed to increase full body strength and endurance. It's easy to deduce that farmer's walks existed long before we purchased our gym memberships. However, despite the move's simplicity, it should still be a staple in your training sessions.

'Loaded carries are the perfect hybrid between weights and cardio,' says MH fitness editor, Andrew Tracey. 'Moving heavy things, as quickly as you can, over medium to long distances, will give you all of the benefits of both lifting and shifting, in one convenient package. You can expect to build full-body strength, size and stamina, while simultaneously stoking your metabolism, with studies suggesting you may also be building resistance to injury.'

Convinced? MH explain how to do the dumbbell farmer's walk, the benefits and include workouts for you to try.

man exercises with dumbbellsHirurg//Getty Images

Muscles Worked by the Dumbbell Farmer's Walk

The dumbbell farmer's walk works every single muscle in your body, however here are the primary muscles worked:

  • Core: The core includes all the muscles around the trunk of the body. The core muscles work hard to maintain an upright and stable torso during the dumbbell farmer's walk.
  • Back: The back muscles, in particular the traps work to keep the shoulder blades retracted so that you resist slouching forward during the walk.
  • Grip: The dumbbell farmer's walk works the grip by forcing the hand muscles to stay contracted for the entirety of the set.
  • Legs: The leg muscles, in particular the quads work when powering the body forward to move through space during the dumbbell farmer's walk.

Benefits of the Dumbbell Farmer's Walk

The dumbbell farmer's walk is a highly effective exercise with several benefits, including:

Improved Grip Strength

Carrying heavy weights over a distance challenges and strengthens your grip, which can have a positive impact on your lifts.

Enhanced Core Strength

Carries engage your core muscles to stabilise your trunk and maintain an upright torso while carrying the weights, helping to develop core strength.

man working out at the gym, looking at cameraKathrin Ziegler//Getty Images

Full-Body Muscle

Farmer's walks work all the muscle groups from top to toe, making it a great compound exercise for overall strength and muscle development.

Increased Calorie Burn

Walking with heavy dumbbells can elevate your heart rate and burn calories, making it a good addition to your fitness routine for weight management.

Functional Carryover

Loaded carries mimic real-life activities like carrying shopping bags or moving heavy objects, helping you build strength that translates to daily tasks.

Versatility & Low Kit

You can perform farmer's walks with various pieces of kit, such as dumbbells, kettlebells, or DIY handles, allowing you to include the exercise easily into your programme.

How to Do the Dumbbell Farmer's Walk

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  • Stand tall with a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells in each hand.
  • Let your arms hang freely at your sides, take a deep breath into your core and begin a fast, deliberate march.
  • When you reach a 20 metre mark, turn around without letting the weights swing and head back.
  • Training Tips

    • To avoid the weights swinging – hold a small gap under your armpits during the walk to maintain tension in the arms.
    • Keep an open chest for the duration of the walk and look directly ahead, not at the floor.
    • Pick a weight selection that is challenging enough, ideally heavier than your weekly supermarket shop.

    Farmer's Walk Variations

    suitcase carry

    Suitcase Carry

    Stand tall with a dumbbell or kettlebell in one hand. Engage your core and begin a fast, deliberate march. When you reach a 20 metre mark, turn around without letting the weight swing and head back. Avoid an tilting of the torso and keep your shoulders even.


    Farmer's Carry with Rings

    Pass the strap of a gymnastic ring through a set of weight plates, attach your ring and pull tight. Repeat with another set. Grab the rings, stand tall and brace your core. Stride forwards. Halfway, drop your weights, turn around, re-grip and return.

    barbell carry

    Front Rack Barbell Carry

    Clean the barbell up to the front rack position and keep your elbows high. Walk forward with purpose: head up, ribs down, eyes forward.


    Front Rack Dumbbell Carry

    Hold the dumbbells at chest height, knuckles almost grazing your chin. Walk forward with purpose: head and chest up, eyes forward. Try
    to ensure you walk in a straight line and avoid lateral movement as much as possible.

    product, standing, shoulder, arm, joint, fashion, knee, human body, leg, neck,

    Bear Hug Carry

    Hug the sandbag securely across your torso. Take short, powerful strides ensuring you stay upright, focussing ahead. Cover the distance as quickly as possible before dropping the bag.

    trap bar farmers carry

    Trap Bar Farmer's Walk

    Deadlift the trap bar up and stand tall. Begin a fast, deliberate march. Turn around keeping the bar steady and head back.

    human leg, standing, physical fitness, wrist, shorts, knee, muscle, waist, trunk, active shorts,

    Overhead Carry

    Clean your 'bells onto your chest and press them overhead. Take a few deep breaths before starting your walk. As you move, try to avoid flaring your ribcage; keep your core braced and your biceps almost touching your ears. The strength and stability you will build across your whole shoulder girdle here is ideal for keeping them injury free in the long run.

    Farmer's Walk Workouts

  • Take on This Loaded Carry 'Chipper' Workout for a Heavy-duty Fat-burn
  • This Dumbbell Only Schwarzenegger Session Takes Just 15-Minutes
  • Carry Your Way to a Rock-Hard Upper Body with Our Barbell Carry Triad
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger's Squat and Suitcase Carry Finisher Guarantees Time Under Tension
  • This Strongman Finisher Builds a Bulletproof Core and Crushes Calories
  • This 'Zercher' Finisher Builds a Solid Back and Core
  • Can You Finish This Leg Day Lunge and Carry Challenge?
  • Lift Your Way to a Faster 5k
  • Block Out 60 Minutes for This Heavy Hitting, 3-Round Kettlebell Workout
  • Grapple This 2-Move Sandbag Workout for a Heavy Fat-Burn and Stronger Legs
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