5 best MC businesses for GTA Online in 2022, ranked

GTA Online players can learn a lot about how to handle businesses effectively, so the game isn't that bad after all. For beginners looking to get started with making money as soon as possible, starting a Motorcycle Club business (MC) is one way they can start literally cashing out. This article will provice more on

GTA Online players can learn a lot about how to handle businesses effectively, so the game isn't that bad after all. For beginners looking to get started with making money as soon as possible, starting a Motorcycle Club business (MC) is one way they can start literally cashing out. This article will provice more on that and other businesses, below.

MC Clubhouse consists of five businesses that players can establish to start earning cash as a passive income source. These include Cocaine, Meth, Counterfeit cash, Weed, and Document Forgery. While investment and a complete upgrade might take a lot of money, the returns can be earned back in a day or two.

Note: The article contains the writer's opinions.

GTA Online players need an MC before setting up shop

Before setting up an MC business for themselves, players will be required to purchase a clubhouse. The cheapest MC Clubhouse that they can buy will cost $200,000 (Great Chapparal Clubhouse) from the Maze Bank Foreclosure listings.

It's always good to get started with at least $2,500,000 in the bank before choosing and starting a clubhouse.

Upgrades to each GTA Online MC Business include equipment, staff, and security upgrades. These will cost extra cash so players need to have enough money in the bank before dipping into any of these businesses.

5) Document Forgery

Once a clubhouse is setup, a business can be purchased from getting in and checking the office laptop. There will be a small audio intro about all of the businesses. The cheapest Document Forgery listed is in Grapeseed and as always, upgrades are always recommended.

Here's what players can expect from setting up this business:

Cheapest Business Investment: $650,000

Investment for full upgrades: $1,030,000

Total investment for full upgrades: $1,680,000

Profits without upgrades: $16,000 an hour

Profits after upgrades: $38,000 - $48,000 an hour

4) Weed

Weed farming isn't considered optimum among other GTA Online MC businesses mostly because of the low revenue generated with the high investment it requires. Here's the lowdown on what to expect from this clubhouse business:

Cheapest Business Investment: $715,000

Investment for full upgrades: $1,576,000

Total investment with full upgrades: $2,291,000

Profits without upgrades: $20,000 an hour

Profits after upgrades: $41,000 an hour

3) Counterfeit Cash

Counterfeit cash can be the best passive income option for GTA Online players. Investments are quite high going through the list from here, but so are the returns if sold without being raided or hijacked in between a sale in the end. Details are given below on what to expect from the Counterfeit Cash business:

Cheapest Business Investment: $845,000

Investment with full upgrades: $1,609,000

Total investment with full upgrades: $2,454,000

Profits without upgrades: $22,000 an hour

Profits after upgrades: $48,000 an hour

2) Meth

Meth Lab has the second highest profits from MC businesses and can also be quite engaging for GTA Online players as it requires a lot of grinding. Around two hours of grinding can help gamers get their investment from this expensive investment.

Cheapest Business Investment: $910,000

Investment with full upgrades: $1,944,500

Total investment with full upgrades: $2,854,500

Profits without upgrades: $21,000 an hour

Profits after upgrades: $51,000 an hour

1) Cocaine

By far the most profitable in the GTA Online MC, the Cocaine business is also the most expensive one that players can start, requiring at least a million dollars to begin with.

Cocaine business is also considered the most passive income source. There's close to no hustle required here and it can be an easy source of a lot of income when fully upgraded.

Here's the lowdown on what to expect from the Weed business from the clubhouse:

Cheapest Business Investment: $975,000

Investment for full upgrades: $1,895,000

Total investment with full upgrades: $2,870,000

Profits without upgrades: $30,000 an hour

Profits after upgrades: $74,000 an hour


GTA Online MC Businesses produce their products at a different rate and stock up in different capacity at a given time. It should be noted that to sell high numbers of stocks, it's always recommended to have crew members, or to sell early when the stock is limited.

Here are the details so players can be aware of the exact profits from each business:

Document Forgery Office can hold up to 60 boxes of documents, each worth $1,250 to $1,750 depending on upgrades. Weed Farms can hold up to 80 bundles, each worth $1,875 to $2,625.

Counterfeit Cash Factory can hold up to 40 stacks of money each worth $4,375 to $6,125. Methamphetamine Lab can hold up to 20 bins, each worth $10,625 to $14,875. Cocaine Lockup can hold up to 10 stacks each worth $25,000 to $35,000.

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